Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Media Coverage, More Stats

A very savvy tech journalist at the Seattle PI has already picked up this site as a noteworthy aside to the entire #amazonfail scandal. If any other journalists (whether bloggers, newspaper writers, or whatever) would like to discuss my views on #amazonfail, this website, etc... just email

Updated Statistics:

3,883 hits at the eBay auction as of right now
9 bids
$152.50 current high bid
10+ people watching
2 days, 17 hours left until official auction close

2,000+ pageviews for
visitors from 50 countries

Coverage in media (blogs, newspaper websites, etc.) increasing

Once again, the ebay auction link is below. Check it out.


  1. Go fuck yourself we don't need gay book on the open!! If you want to buy gay book go to gay site or gay library You don't want to have your own thing.!! Don't share your believe with all the people on the earth! Be gay and fuck ass!

    Maxime Pardis

  2. Max,

    I'm going to keep your comment up here just to show the world how close-minded people can be.

    I am not gay, but I sympathize with anyone who is targeted by hatred like yours... and comments like that are why #amazonfail matters.
