Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Media Coverage

The Seattle PI followed up on its initial article with another blog post today. Click below to read.

"AmazonFail Entrepreneur gets big ROI plus Criticism" by Andrea James

There are now two days left on the eBay auction. It has been viewed more than 4,400 times as of now.

eBay auction

As always, feel free to email with any questions, comments, or offers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Media Coverage, More Stats

A very savvy tech journalist at the Seattle PI has already picked up this site as a noteworthy aside to the entire #amazonfail scandal. If any other journalists (whether bloggers, newspaper writers, or whatever) would like to discuss my views on #amazonfail, this website, etc... just email

Updated Statistics:

3,883 hits at the eBay auction as of right now
9 bids
$152.50 current high bid
10+ people watching
2 days, 17 hours left until official auction close

2,000+ pageviews for
visitors from 50 countries

Coverage in media (blogs, newspaper websites, etc.) increasing

Once again, the ebay auction link is below. Check it out.

Updated Stats, 3:15 EST Wednesday

As of 3:15 EST Wednesday:

1,700 visitors to
from 49 countries
and 48 US States
and 66 people in Seattle (Amazon's HQ)

3,425 visitors to the eBay auction
8 bids
10 watchers
eBay auction mention in Seattle Post-Intelligencer, other online blogs and sites

#amazonfail hashtag back to "trending" topic #6

Don't miss your chance to get this - less than 3 days left in the auction now. National media coverage is continuing to explode.

Bid on the eBay auction:

or email with a direct offer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Updated Stats

eBay auction:

1,850+ viewers
10 watchers
7 bids
3.5 days left

1,600+ viewers (tracking started after website was created)
hits on Google, Google News, Twitter, other sites

General Environment

Washington Post will feature Amazonfail story tomorrow
Mainstream media still just picking up on this

Bid or email an offer now!

Updated Statistics

Google Analytics updates stats every couple hours, and they have some new material. I figured I'd post it up here:

1,400 visits
from 44 countries
including over 900 from 46 different US States
1200+ visitors to eBay auction
10+ people watching auction
(_) private offers received

Once again, below is a link to the auction on eBay. Don't be afraid to bid or offer now.

Sell #amazonfail gear

there are already people selling #amazonfail merchandise through CafePress or other websites, but wouldn't it be nice to own THE place to get everything #amazonfail ?

shirts, mugs, stickers, and more can be branded and sold with the now-famous phrase.


In less than 24 hours, here are some impressive statists about visitors to

There have been over 1,300
They have come from 42+ countries
They have come from 46+ US States
Over 1,000 of them have continued on to look at the eBay auction

The exposure of this name and domain will only continue to increase.

More Uses for

surely this whole #amazonfail incident will be chronicled thoroughly. bloggers have already done thorough writeups, but i guarantee graduate students will do case studies, and i would expect people to write full books about it. wouldn't it be great to own to promote a book of the same title?

As my other posts have listed, there are many ways to monitize this website. There is surely attention now, but the opportunity to brand this domain as THE amazon complaint center is unbelievable.

Once again, here's the auction:

If you'd like to buy it outright, email

Monday, April 13, 2009


I figured I'd repost this for clarity. Here is the auction where you can buy

Once again, I'll also respond to private offers. Email if you want to make one.

Media Exposure Continues

the blogosphere continues to erupt, and #amazonfail is still the hottest search on Twitter. Here's a great blog describing the whole fiasco:

As I previously stated, the Seattle PI has picked up this story and it's currently on their front page. is looking more valuable by the minute.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Picks up Story

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has now reported on the #amazonfail scandal and the related sale of . Obviously, increased exposure means increased interest.

Check out the auction on eBay, or send me an email ( if interested in the website. already getting offers

The auction has only been posted for an hour, and multiple bids have already been placed.

Don't be afraid to make an offer... it may save money in the long run.

There are so many ways to monetize

Affiliate Sales
Online store for Pro-LGBT stuff
online store for anti-amazon stuff
simple adsense advertising
continuous anti-amazon site (think
direct sale to

The possibilites are endless. Bid now. now for sale on eBay

The auction for has now been created and can be viewed by clicking here.

Once again, the auction is at

If you would like to make a private offer, email for sale

In light of's recent scandalous anti-LGBT behavior, I have decided to offer multiple AmazonFAIL properties for sale. Twitter users have coined this scandal AmazonFail, and that name can be continued for any future Amazon problems.

I am selling as a package: (invaluable - think
This blog (

I will put this package on eBay, but I will also accept individual offers, and I reserve the right to sell at any time. Email with any questions or offers.